Greetings from the other side.
No, not that other side, the other one.
No the other one.
God dammit, you know what, nevermind.
Hi. I'm TK or Rue or Dirk or whatever you think sounds better to say,
and this is my WEB SITE.
okay i'll drop the proper grammar thing since its hard on my hands. this site is basically my own personal "evil lair" so to speak, since every other social media site has decided to SUCK MAJOR ASS in the past few years. i share this webspace with the people who live in my brain like a terrible late night sitcom, so it's kind of more like the worst evil apartment ever. (you can make a web-lair too you know. here's some examples...)

...but more than anything this is a visualization of my mindscape. what does that mean? NOT IMPORTANT. just enjoy the sights and sounds and all that fun shit. really soak in that vibe. as you can see i love pointless images. heres a bunch you can look at with your eyes or whatever you use:

top it off with a couple dancing cat-things for good measure. this site is fully engineered for you to invade as much of my privacy as i'll allow so go ahead and do that. hell you can pop open the html if you want too. copypaste all of it. that's fucking epic.
its also lousy with SECRETS. hover over images and see if they lead somewhere.

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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.
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